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Respiratory Pathogen Panel (RPP)

Same-day results for nasal swab PCR detection of flu and other respiratory viruses, as well as bacterial and fungal infections, and antibiotic-resistant markers.

PCR technology enables us to quickly and accurately identify pneumonia-causing bacteria, the influenza virus, and a multitude of other respiratory viruses. This allows for the most efficient assessment and management of illness. Our comprehensive screening is paired with a rapid turn-around time with results available the same day that the lab receives your specimens.

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Our Respiratory Pathogen Panel allows physicians to test for a broad spectrum of bacterial, viral, and fungal respiratory pathogens using a single patient sample. 

Targets Detected:

  • Adenovirus
  • B. holmesii
  • B. bronchiseptica
  • B. pertussis
  • B. parapertussis Bocavirus
  • C. burnetti
  • C. pneumoniae
  • H. influenzae (Type A)
  • H. influenzae (Type B)
  • Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) A/B
  • Human Coronavirus (HCoV) 229E
  • HCoV HKU1
  • HCoV NL63
  • HCoV OC43
  • Human Enterovirus Human Parechovirus
  • Human Rhinovirus
  • Influenza A
  • Influenza A/H1-2009
  • Influenza A/H3
  • Influenza B
  • Influenza C
  • K. pneumoniae
  • L. pheumophila
  • M. catarrhalis
  • M. pneumoniae MecA
  • MRSA
  • P. jirovecii
  • RSV A/B
  • S. aureus
  • S. pneumoniae
  • S. pyrogenes